Posts tagged dutch oven

Signature Dish

As a cook and food obsessed maniac, I am often asked, "What's your signature dish?" or "What is your cooking style?" That question stumps me every time.  I literally cook everything, I don't really have a particular style and I don't typically cook one dish repeatedly as my "signature dish."  I consider myself a MacGuyver in the kitchen - that's my style.  I create dishes based on the ingredients in my house and what's in season.  However, I always have the makings for my Meeshballs.  Keep reading to find out what's in a Meeshball!

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Braised Chicken with Shallot Mustard Sauce

Low and Slow

This one pot supper is packed with flavor and perfect for a week night.  While the chicken braises, you can watch Jeopardy (an addiction of mine), throw in a load of laundry or make yourself a cocktail to unwind from the work day.

I tend to start a braised dish like this as soon as I get home from work.  That way, it has plenty of time to develop flavor and it's ready by the time my man friend gets home.* :) 

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