Hangry District

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Meatless Monday: Spring Quinoa Bowl

Veg Out

Spring has sprung in DC!  I think? Hopefully we're finally in the clear from random snow storms, freezing weather and the fear of our gardens dying overnight. So, in honor of my favorite season, I whipped up this quick and easy meatless quinoa bowl utilizing farm fresh eggs from Liberty Delight Farms, herbs from Three Part Harmony Farm, and micro greens from Little Wild Things City Farm.  Enjoy!

Spring Quinoa Bowl with Zucchini

Hangry Timer: 15 minutes
Serves: 2
Cost: $5

What You Need:

1 cup Quinoa, cooked according to package
1 TBSP. Coconut Oil
1 Zucchini, cubed
4 Chives, minced
1/2 small Lemon, zested and juiced
2 Eggs, cooked over easy*
Radish micro greens

What To Do with It:

Cook the quinoa.

While the quinoa is cooking, heat the coconut oil over medium high heat in a cast iron skillet and sauté the zucchini until it's browned on all sides.  This should take just about the same amount of time as it takes the quinoa to cook - about 12 minutes.  Add salt and pepper to the zucchini and a squeeze of lemon juice. 

Once the quinoa is cooked, immediately add lemon zest and chives and stir so the herbs and citrus infuse the quinoa.  Add a squeeze of lemon and salt/pepper to taste.

Stir the zucchini into the quinoa and cover to keep warm. 

Fry up two eggs over easy and add a sprinkle of salt and pepper once they're cooked.

Spoon the quinoa mixture into a bowl and place an egg on top.  Garnish with micro greens and after you take a photo for your Instagram story, cut into the yolk so that it mixes together with the rest of the bowl!  Gobble it up!


*For a perfect over easy egg, heat a tablespoon of butter into a nonstick skillet over medium heat.  Crack the egg into the pan and once the white has begun to turn opaque, cover the pan with a lid and wait for 3 minutes exactly! If it's a jumbo egg, wait 4 minutes.  Be patient, my child.
